273 feeds in this category - Page 8
by @Jörg Lohrer
religiöse Bildung, Religionsunterricht, ReligionEDU, digitalRUnde, Reli, RU, IslamischerRU, "reli(lab|chat|gion(s?unterricht|.*unterricht))" Code frei verfügbar und hier zum updaten: https://codeberg.org/Comenius-Institut/Bluesky/src/branch/main/ReligionEDU-FEED.json
A Feed full of LGBTQIA+ Identifying Developers. use #queercoded for a post to be added!
Posts about research and development in the field of quantum computing. Mostly by physicists, but curated by a non-physicist, trying to make the subject more accessible. Tag with #quantumsky to make sure a post gets in the feed. BlueskyFeedCreator.com
Just our posts, whether they be mod updates, development updates, or what-have.
by @Pixel
A feed for anyone who wants to talk about software dev. Game, web, backend, systems, etc. To be included, use a tag out of the following regex (note, # required!): #((game|web|systems|be|fe)?dev|swe|programming|coding|foss|👨💻|👩💻|🧑💻)
This is a feed to show the most recent shared Dodo Codes from the Animal Crossing community! Use #ACNHDDCS #ACNHDODOS #DDCs or #DODOs to have your posts show up on these feeds! 🌴❤️ // Made at BlueskyFeeds.com
by @Caladrius
English Final Fantasy feed. Tracks key developer names, game titles, and the term "Final Fantasy" //Made at BlueskyFeeds.com