273 feeds in this category - Page 20
by @chameth.com
Posts about Advent of Code, excluding those that are just the "I completed..." text from the website with no additional remarks.
This finds bots. Hardware and software... English with no p0rn, spam or maga Mostly... It's hard to get robots with so many alts and those bots. I don't include bots now. Too many bots.
A feed for designers and developers. // Made at BlueskyFeeds.com
Posts, replies, and reposts from other software development accounts I follow and from some accounts I do not follow.
Feed for PSHE teachers and related content- Personal Development, RSE, RSHE, Core Citizenship and more.
Skeets with URLs to GitHub repos, sorted chronologically.
Posts about Vercel, a frontend cloud platform providing the developer experience and infrastructure to build, scale, and secure a faster, more personalized web. vercel.com
SCA, "societyforcreativeanachronism" is too long for the feed to pick up. May have some programming posts...🤔 If I programmed, I'd fix that.
Info sharing and repository for Scott Turner, nominated for Housing and Urban Development Secretary. Let's learn about this guy and challenge the media to report on him. Ideas and actions to keep him distracted and off his feet are needed. Tag #resistturner to post directly to the feed.