235 feeds in this category - Page 8
A feed for Iva Cheung's #LyricsPrompt challenge! A November treat from @ivacheung.bsky.social
Neurodivergent Memes, ASD, ADHD, CPTSD, so many fuckin acronyms. Use: #NDmemes and your stuff will show up here. I'll attempt light moderation.
Feed pour #fmspad Origine : Instagram et la bloggeuse australienne https://fatmumslim.com.au/about/
by @Haven
Collects memes and short comics about UFOs and Aliens. Posts need to have UFO/alien and meme in the post text or in the image alt text. #ufomeme, #alienmeme, #ufocomics and #aliencomics are also included. This feed will remember the last 1000 posts. It is not limited to a seven day period.
by @deer
A Clangen Art Challenge in which a kitten and an elder have been abandoned by their Clan and must work together to survive.
Der Feed zur #jedentag2024 Fotochallenge Jeder ist eingeladen mit zu machen und jeden Tag ein Foto zu machen und hier hochzuladen. Dazu den Hashtag benutzen und mitzählen. Jedes Foto ist valide
A collection of art challenges and prompts for people to sift through! It may contain posts of participating images for said events but it should also include lists and challenges for people using the tags #artchallenge and #promptlist
by @Steve Haroz
Keywords in StatSky: #stats, #statistics, statsky, statssky, statcheck, statsmeme, the100.ci New keywords: bayesian, p-value, t-test, ANOVA, ANCOVA, MANOVA, linear/logistic regression Excluded in StatSky: spammers, >4 hashags New Excudes: preprint bots, any mention of AI, ML, or chatGPT
by @Potat
You'll never guess what this feed is for... Use #TransmascMeme to post here