199 feeds in this category - Page 5
Curating posts about the study of the nature of divinity and the construction of belief. Follow this feed to see the god-talk happening on Bluesky. All posts with theology/theologies/#theology will show up in the feed.
A feed for all those exploring nature through poetry; writers, readers & revellers 🌿📗
Find #druidsky #greenwitch #naturemagick 🍃🦌🌛 posts here. Welcome!
英語版と日本版のツイステの比較用まとめのフィードです。 *召喚台詞や各キャラのバースデーストーリー、ユニーク魔法など。 This is a feed for comparing English and Japanese versions of Twisted Wonderland. *Includes summoning phrases, Character's Birthday story, Signature spell etc.
⚖️ 🌐🌱A feed for everything related to human rights and the environment.
by @velichor.co
The complete enviro / climate change / eco feed. DM @velichor.co with issues. environmental | sustainable | sustainability | eco-friendly | eco friendly | greenwashing | greensky | ecosky | envirosky | climatesky | climate crisis | climate science | climate politics | climate action
Tracking "environment", "justice", "advocacy" https://track.goodfeeds.co/
Attempts to pull in as many nature related images as possible (some non-nature related ones will inevitably show up)
Pantheism is the philosophical and religious belief that reality, the universe, and nature are identical to divinity or a supreme entity. The physical universe is thus understood as an immanent deity, still expanding and creating, which has existed since the beginning of time.
A beleza é difícil de definir, mas fácil de reconhecer. Na natureza, a beleza pode ser discernida em todas as coisas e lugares da terra. Partilhe lindas fotos da natureza. A beleza da natureza impacta positivamente a sua mente, corpo e alma. https://beautyofnature.site
Dieser Feed taggt alle Postings mit dem Hashtag cr41w, bzw ClimateRevolution41World, LifeRevolution41World und SystemChange41World.
An attempt to follow posts related to dietary shifts for health and climate (and how to make it easy for people to change the way they eat)