141 feeds in this category - Page 6
A feed for traditional art made using paper or canvas. Posts are collected using a variety of terms relating to traditional mediums including but not limited to pencil, charcoal, ink, chalk, oil paint, acrylic paint, Posca, and pastels. Avatar image is from Flaticon.
A feed of Neurodivergent–related keywords & autistic persons. * Autism, Autistic, AuDHD, Neuroatypical IMG: Autistic/Autism symbol by MissLunaRose12 under CC-By-SA 4.0 International License. (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Autism_Symbol_Proposed_2.png)
A chronological feed showcasing sculptors who use traditional physical media in their work. Tags: #sculpting #sculpt #clay #pottery #ceramic #polymer #plasticine #monsterclay #cosclay #sculpy #sculpey
Bookish Brews exclusively celebrates stories from writers of systematically marginalized identities with a focus on BIPOC & global majority books. Here's all my Bluesky posts about books I recommend Find even more at bookishbrews.com
experimental feed that finds links to the ACL Anthology, the Journal of #CulturalAnalytics, #CHR2024, #CSCW2024 uses the following regex: (aclanthology.org/.+(?:[0-9/]|.pdf)(?:\s|$))|(culturalanalytics.org/article)|(ceur-ws.org/Vol-[0-9]+/paper)|(dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145)
Medio Ambiente, Ecología, calentamiento global, contaminación, protección de espacios y especies, energías renovables, desarrollo y producción sostenible, etc..Todo en Español.
by @Ricardo
a custom feed of international media organizations and sometimes bots, if the Media Org is not present on Bluesky
by @Belenen
Artists who draw people and humanoids of varying sizes and shapes that don't match porn/magazine norms. Fat, disabled, trans, etc bodies treated as normal (including wheelchair, cane, ASL, assistive devices, guide dog, etc). (includes nsfw) #fatArt #fatPositive #bodyDiversity #bodyNeutrality
by @Aleks 🌙
A separate feed for non-digital works. / Traditional works by Shay3li
A feed for the Songxuexiao Exchange! Tracks all posts from @sxx-exchange.bsky.social, any post from @iodhadh.bsky.social that includes the word "exchange," and any posts made in the last seven days that include either "sxx" or "Songxuexiao" in combination with "exchange."
This feed is for people interested in developments and trends within the field of international education, including internationalisation of higher education, international student recruitment, and international students.
Picks up posts (no replies) that include #BookBirthday, a hashtag traditionally used to celebrate launches of new books in the kidlit/YA community.