1964 feeds in this category - Page 127
by @hilling
Feed to check a list. I use this to check for posts that are getting missed by the main feed.
by @Vexonli
All posts containing the word "arcane" (3 days max, chronological).
日本ファルコムタイトルを検索する。ザナドゥから英雄伝説シリーズくらいまで(イースシリーズと軌跡シリーズは別 Feed あります) Search posts Falcom's game title. That not include the Ys series and Trails series. Ys/Trails search feed below. https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:567hrzkrycyn3z26tk2pxr2l/feed/aaaimvosbwxe2
Posts about AI created with skyfeed.app. User list: https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:2nedso4j7ekxjxhkkvablywl/lists/3lc7c6ojehc2v Regex: "AI|gpt|neur|GPU|aisky|ml|machinelearning|deep|learning|generative|llm Please let me know users to add and any other feedback. Thanks!
by @al🫧
7 day feed attempting to collect a range of Ukrainian fundraisers and mutual aid Ukraine🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🌻🌻🌻 (artwork by Maria Prymachenko)
Breaking news alerts from UK political journalists. Maintained by @sebastiansalek.com
All posts by EGM mentioning Captain Picard or Patrick Stewart, including the #CaptainPicardDay celebration
All posts by EGM mentioning Faith of the Heart, including the #FaithOfTheHeartWeek celebration
The reliable ol' humans. If it ain't broke, they won't try to magically fix it... probably.