273 feeds in this category - Page 11
by @edavis.dev
No replies, embeds, or mentions. Less than 140 characters. Peer straight into Bluesky's id. Code: https://github.com/edavis/bsky-tools/blob/master/feeds/rapidfire.py
A curated feed for posts about open source. Source code available on foggymtndrifter.dev.
by @Skyfleet
Veille sur des repos github ou gitlab,codeberg partagé sur bluesky ! Monitoring any link to github or gitlab, codeberg repositories on bluesky !
by @summerti.me
Follows various hashtags for programming Include: #programming / #coding / #code / others Any feedback please ping @summerti.me
Posts related to tissue engineering and regenerative medicine #TissueEngineering #RegenerativeMedicine tissue engineering | biomaterials | artifical organs | regenerative medicine | organ-on-a-chip
by @summerti.me
https://adventofcode.com/ #AdventOfCode "Advent of Code is an Advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill sets and skill levels that can be solved in any programming language you like." Unofficial feed.
by @Josh
A feed for Formula1! See what's included here: https://github.com/oracularhades/f1-feed/blob/main/README.md
by @Raven
All posts mentioning plugdata or #plugdata. plugdata is a free/open-source visual programming environment based on pure-data. It is cross-platform and can be run as standalone or as a plugin inside of any DAW. Visit plugdata.org for more info & downloads.
by @NoodleKitty
The feed for Code Geass and Code Geass related content. Can use the #codegeass tag or just the phrase Code Geass