744 feeds in this category - Page 51
by @sa10shi
主に日本語でPikmin BloomについてPostしているFeedを集めてみました I collected feeds that post about Pikmin Bloom mainly in Japanese.
by @Rosie
Bydd postiadau gyda'r 'iaith bostio' yn Gymraeg yn ymddangos yma. Posts with 'posting language' set to Welsh will show here.
Works best while reading this *in hilarious fake french accent* ... ever seen just one part of the film or movie or TV series that is the very essence of what it is? or how it relates to the real world? ah . . . welcome to OhLALA ...... ( Oh la la , no spaces, those are imitation copycats boo hoo)
by @Space Snek
feed that pulls the top english posts from the last 12 hours - filters most labelled content and focuses primarily on posts, not replies. Gravity weight of 1.2 applied to slight prioritize more recent posts for active checking in.
English Posts Tracking " Dededede、Dead Dead Demon's Dededede Destruction、Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction "
Posts related to Japanese baseball team Hanshin Tigers from the last 3 days.
by @Flaky Fred
A feed that will find English posts about France. This feed only shows the last 7 days, to see more use the hashtag in a search but the reults may be in French
by @ユキ
「どうぶつの森 ポケットキャンプ」に関する画像付きの投稿(日本語/English)を収集するフィードです。 英語圏の方の投稿も見たい場合にどうぞ。 <お節介Tips> [設定] > [基本] > [言語] > [コンテンツの言語] 設定で、特定の言語を選択しない(=全ての言語を対象にする)と、国内外の投稿を拾うことができます。 ※購読中の全てのフィードに対して適用されますのでご注意ください。