192 feeds in this category - Page 5
Hey! Join us to learn languages, connect with fellow language enthusiasts, and lets encourage each other to be fluent polyglots. Use #polyglotsky, #languagelearners, #languagecommunity, #languagelearning, #polyglot, #languagelearningsky, #polyglotclubsky, #polyglotclub to be added to the feed
Aggregates posts by users on a list of learning sciences people, kept by @vea.bsky.social (contact me to be added) + all posts with #LearningSciences, ISLS 2025, #ISLS25, or #ISLS2025.
A hashtag feed for those interested in learning and sharing about Google for Education. #GoogleEDU
Guitars & stuff - posts all about guitars, songwriting, composition, learning and theory
A feed of the most liked Enstars posts from the past 24 hours 過去24時間で最もいいねされたあんスタのフィードです Keywords:「あんスタ」「あんさんぶるスターズ」「enstars」「ensemble stars」 To see posts regardless of language, go to Settings → Languages and unselect all languages under “Content Languages”.
A feed about sign language, deaf culture, deaf education, deafness and more. Mostly english content for now. Un feed sur la culture sourde, la surdité et la langue des signes, principalement en anglais.
A feed for all things piano! (Have not figured out how to exclude "piano" when used in other languages with different meanings or as part of a word.)
This simple feed should capture all mentions of "histed", "edhist", "histchild" and other related terms.
Computer, activate holodeck program Chez Sandríne à Marsailles. Load characters: Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, Seven, Neelix, Tom, Harry, B'Elanna, the EMH, and Tuvix. Safety protocols... off. #VOY #Voyager #StarTrek English language feed for Star Trek Voyager [ID: Janeway sits on a pool table]
Feed for Learning & Teaching in Higher Education and Scholarhip following #LTHE and #SoTL
This is a feed for all language learning enthusiasm. There are a variety of key words and tags in this feed.