192 feeds in this category - Page 14
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Everything to do with Rwanda, Uganda and Congo in the English language (within the last 3 hours). Created to pool news concerning the Gorilla Highlands region.
Combined feeds of What's Hot Classic (English only) and Trendinesia (Indonesian language).
Bydd postiadau gyda'r 'iaith bostio' yn Gymraeg yn ymddangos yma. Posts with 'posting language' set to Welsh will show here.
Minecraft is a Great platform to assist with education. This Sandbox is great for Game Based Imersive or interactive learning. This feed may pull some posts that dont seem to be Minecraft Education related, because they have the word "class", "learn", or one of the other search parameters in them.
by @xolotl.org
People and organizations that talk about or work on open educational practices, open educational technologies, and open educational resources (OER).
Traking:ナジカ電撃作戦、Najica Blitz Tactics、 NajicaBlitzTactics ハッシュタグの上限数は2つ迄です。 The maximum number of hashtags is two. All Languages. 全言語対応です。
Where my art will go hopefully, still learning how to do this
You've blessing by Eldritch Entity, The creature at your neighbourhood to share her works and rambles about everything As long its art forms. Be gentle to her because she's Deaf Artist and English wasn't her first language.