342 feeds in this category - Page 3
MSWL (Manuscript Wishlists), calls for submissions for art & writing. Focus on PAYING gigs. More info plus CAUTIONS before submitting or querying: https://blueskyfeedcreator.com/p/debbieohi.com/mswl
Chat every Wednesday 7pm UK time (2pm Eastern for North America) Please don't use the tag for any other type of post. Use these instead 💙📚👀📢📚😱 (more feeds, fewer characters) Four questions about you and your horror work. Use #HorrorWritersChat to ensure your answers appears in the feed.
elves, eldar, elezen, drow, drukhari, aeldari, half-elves, sindorei, nightborne. all elves, all the time. to add to the feed, use #elfenjoyers in post or replies! elf related art, costumes, minis, dnd, writing all welcome. NSFW allowed, just be sure to label!
A semi-curated poetry feed, gathering from a handful of hashtags across Bluesky, like #Poetry and #TinyPoem. No spam, no AI, and up to 5 hashtags maximum. Enjoy the words, and music they carry.
Fussily filtered feed to pick up posts by Fiction Writers/ Authors ONLY. Picks up: writer, author, (#am)writing/editing/revising, #WritingCommunity, Writerslife, chapter, draft, Kidlit, #Vss365, pantser, plotter etc. Use ✍️(hand holding pen emoji) to put your writerly posts on it.
For authors and writers that partake in the National November Writing Month and it's camps! 50000 words, lets go! ✏️📖 For your posts to appear here, use any of the following : NaNoWriMo, National November Writing Month, Camp NaNo, NaNo Writer or ✏️📖 or Alternative NaNo
Keep up with conversations for the Society of Biblical Literature and the American Academy of Religion. Grabs all posts with at least one (not case-sensitive): #aar #sbl #aarsbl #sblaar #aarsbl24 #sblaar24
Coverage = #academia #Gothic #Literature #research #history // Made at BlueskyFeeds.com
by @furryli.st
Furry A feed for talking about and showing off furry literature. Use #FurFic, #FurLit or #FurryWriting to include a post in the feed. Join the furry feeds by following @furryli.st
For all the rhetoric, composition, technical communication, writing program administration, and writing studies scholars searching for each other in this vast blue sky. Please fill out the Google form to add/remove yourself: https://bit.ly/bsky-rhetoric
For posts related to heathenry, Asatru, Runes, Poetic Edda, Anglo-Saxon paganism, and Nordic Animism. Use tags #heathensky, #angsaxonpagan, #nordicanimism to be included. Nazism, Volkish are unwelcome // Made at BlueskyFeeds.com