1964 feeds in this category - Page 158
by @S!K!
BlueArchive/ドールズフロントライン/艦隊これくしょんについて過去3日のイラストを含む投稿のみを表示します, またAIartタグのあるイラストは除外しますがnsfwは除外しません Only illustration posts containing BlueArchive/GirlsFrontLine/KantaiCollection tags from the last 3 days are displayed. Also excludes illustrations with AIart tags but not nsfw.
by @Steve Hirst
Feed of Castleford tigers fans. this will include all their posts so will be a bit of a free-for-all. Maintained by Hirsty
by @hilling
Feed to check a list. I use this to check for posts that are getting missed by the main feed.
Top posts containing the word "arcane" within the last 24 hours.
All posts containing the word "arcane" (3 days max, chronological).
日本ファルコムタイトルを検索する。ザナドゥから英雄伝説シリーズくらいまで(イースシリーズと軌跡シリーズは別 Feed あります) Search posts Falcom's game title. That not include the Ys series and Trails series. Ys/Trails search feed below. https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:567hrzkrycyn3z26tk2pxr2l/feed/aaaimvosbwxe2
Posts about AI created with skyfeed.app. User list: https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:2nedso4j7ekxjxhkkvablywl/lists/3lc7c6ojehc2v Regex: "AI|gpt|neur|GPU|aisky|ml|machinelearning|deep|learning|generative|llm Please let me know users to add and any other feedback. Thanks!