354 feeds in this category - Page 8
Arthropod-borne viral disease research, news, & updates. May include broader vector-borne disease, medical entomology, & related work. Avatar: Simon Kutcher, AFAP under cc-by-2.0 BlueskyFeedCreator.com
A feed for nonprofit studies research and discussion. For academics and people who want to follow scholarship, not general discussion/rants/etc. Ask @andrew.heiss.phd to be added. Tag posts with "nonprofitsky" or 🤝
Searches for posts mainly containing links to scientific publications about topics potentially relevant to Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS, MyalgicE) or Long Covid. #MyalgicE #MECFS #LongCovid
A spectrum of academic researchers, activists, policy makers, artists, and writers with critical perspectives on AI. No Xrisk posts are included. Managed by @eryk.bsky.social. Reply to the pinned post here if you’d like to be added. BlueskyFeedCreator.com
Papers with Code! Looks for posts with links to GitHub and one of: pubmed, biorxiv, arxiv, medrxiv, oup (bioinformatics), nature, biomedcentral, science, genomebiology, cshlp (genome research), wiley, elsevier, pnas, plos. Created by @stephenturner.us (https://blog.stephenturner.us/)
Uses combinations of words to find suicide & self-harm research, related news articles, and discussions. Posts with words like "suicide" combined with words like "research" should show up. Posts mentioning "suicidology" should automatically show up. Tag: suicidology
A feed for all things political science. Will show any post including #polisky, #polsky, #polsci, #polisci, and #politicalscience (only with hashtags!) Contact @ortutt.bsky.social if you have any issues with the feed BlueskyFeedCreator.com
A feed for jobs in science, tech, engineering, math, medicine, and related fields. Picks up the tags #STEMJobs, #ScienceJobs, #SciJobs, #LabJobs, #NeuroJobs, #ChemJobs, #AcademicJobs, #PostdocPosition, and #FacultyPosition. Ping me if there are any more I should add. Please use alt text on images!
Feed to collect all plant pathology/immunity posts. Tags: #PlantPathology|#PlantDisease|#PlantImmunity|#PlantEvoMPMI|#MPMI|#PlantPathogen|#Phytophthora|#Fusarium|#Magnaporthe|#xanthomonas|#RustFungi|#planthealth|#Botrytis|#PlantParasite|#PlantParasitism|#Striga|#Cuscuta|#Orobanche Plant Science
NIRS, fNIRS & fNIRS hyperscanning posts on BlueSky! Add #NIRS, #fNIRS, #fNIRShyper or 🧠🔦 to your post for it to appear in this feed.
Posts containing #econ_ra. Info about economics research assistant, pre-doc, post-doc, and similar positions. Either side of the market is welcome to post about opportunities or questions.