354 feeds in this category - Page 3
A feed for people in science and medicine to introduce themselves and welcome others! Tag your post with #HiSciSky 👋🏽
A feed to collect postings on Plant Science Research & Plant Biology. Tags: #PlantScience|#PlantBiology|#PlantDevelopment|#Phytohormones|#PlantGenetics|#PlantCellBio|#PlantPhysiology|#PlantPathology|#PlantMicroscopy|#PlantEvoDevo|#MPMI|#PlantEvoMPMI|#PlantCellWall|#PlantGenomics|#PlantImmunity
Posts referencing science fiction & fantasy, all media. To be added to this feed, your post must contain any of these words: scifi, science fiction, sci-fi, fantasy, sfwa, nebula award, hugo award, sturgeon award
Feed for immunology research. Tag posts with ⑂, #immunosky, or immunology jargon like #lymphocyte. // Made at BlueskyFeeds.com
All the commotion in the Ocean! Drawing from a massive keyword set related to the sea, how it is changing, and how we can protect it. Featuring Ocean Art, Science, Nature, Wonder and much much more. It's a big concept, so expect some off-topic posts, the ocean ends up being about everything.
Tracking "Geosciences", "Geology", "Earth Sciences" https://track.goodfeeds.co/
The science of visual sensation, perception, and cognition Add #VisionScience to your post for it to appear on this feed. The feed also includes relevant preprints and conference+journal announcements. This feed is moderated! No bigotry. No personal insults. Posts must be about vision science.
A feed on behavioral science and behavioral economics on BlueSky. Please use hashtag #BehSci, #BehEcon, or #BehSciSky. #Behaviouralscience etc also work now!