107 feeds in this category - Page 8
A basic feed of tech news publications - this will grow as time goes on.
This is a feed for #hematology researchers and clinicians capturing the global conversation in hematology research, clinical practice, and scientific discovery. This feed aggregates posts from hematology professionals, researchers, and institutions discussing #BloodScience!
Publications #UFOsky en français - French language #UFOSky posts
Explore the forefront of addiction research. This feed curates the latest studies, publications, and advancements in substance use disorder treatment and recovery science. Perfect for researchers, clinicians, and advocates dedicated to evidence-based solutions.
by @velichor.co
Legitimate Canadian news outlets including The Globe and Mail, CTV, CBC, The Tyee, and many more. Contact @velichor with accounts to add. journalism | breaking news | canadian news | canadian reporting | canadian journalism | news outlets | news publications | canadian press | canadian politics
Publications FR avec les mots clés : travail télétravail, emploi, chômage, franceTravail
Les publications avec le terme CNRS apparaissant dedans, ainsi que les publications des comptes institutionnels CNRS.
Ramene l'emblématique #FollowFriday de l'oiseau bleu pour suggérer des comptes à suivre. Fonctionne aussi avec #FF. Propose les Follow Friday seulement en français (la langue doit avoir été spécifiée lors de la publication du post).