24 feeds in this category
by @haicat.moe
a feed for plurals on bsky (all origins welcome!) use the tag for a single post. like the feed to add all your posts https://discord.gg/V65ancVWam
A chronological feed from the users who used to use Posts.cv. This is the closest we'll have to the old "Everyone" tab. To join, find the google form on Posts.
Neuroscience job postings on BlueSky! (RA, PhD, Postdoc, Faculty) Add #NeuroJobs to your post for it to appear in this feed.
A feed for any and all job market information relevant to polisci PhDs.
Econ job market candidate intros. Candidates (or their advisers) communicate: 1) name, program & fields, 2) image of JMP title page + Alt Text 3) #EconJMP, 4) website link + whatever else you want. Employers: browse & interact respectfully. Everyone else: shhhh.
This Feed Is For People Looking For Opportunities to Work and those hiring to have an easier time finding potential candidates. It is also where Recruiters can share job posts via the #Hiring hashtag BlueskyFeedCreator.com
Job postings for all GLAM job levels. Hashtags: #ArchiveJobs, #LISJobs, #MuseumJobs, #LibraryJobs, #GLAMJobs // Made at BlueskyFeeds.com
This feed is for my Sims in Bloom challenge and the stories I created for each generation! Right now I'm already at gen 3, so a lot of what will be posted in the beginning is a resume of the first two generations. You can find the whole stories on my Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lilithsimmer
by @sys.zzz.lv
Feed for posts about Vocaloid. Replies, Pro-ship and NSFW media are not included. Also check CV03 feed: https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:5ngtn26ts764pj2j243b3fv3/feed/aaalzc3jt6zko 日本語機械翻訳: ボーカロイド に関する投稿のフィードです。 回答および「Pro-ship」&「R18」コンテンツは含まれません。 また、上記の CV03 フィードも確認します。