44 feeds in this category
Welcome to the BTS music & lyrics analysis feed! Use #btsmusic to post translations, analysis, production interests, or anything related you want to discuss! Keep it friendly and thoughtful 💜 // Made at BlueskyFeeds.com
Feed of book reviews Looks for #bookreview or the words book and review
by @SCOTUSfeed
SCOTUS expert commentary - filtered SCOTUS-only posts (experimental) from this list of experts: https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:35o63vs42f7uyexxyblvcxf7/lists/3jz7r66br5u2i
A feed for chatting about "Geographic Information Systems" and remote sensing data analysis. Just add #GISchat to your post!
by @S. Ota
Posts related to LLM (Large Language Model). Filtered by a regular expression, rated by GPT-3.5 and filtered by a threshold. See also "LLM (rating < 5)" feed that have a rating below the threshold. Source: https://github.com/susumuota/feed-generator
Feed for tweets discussing real time economic developments, such as analysis of #JobsReport, #CPI, #GDP, #PPI, #ECI, #FOMC, and other reports. Use #️⃣#️⃣.
by @Anna
Share photos of your study space, advice, or general commentary related to studying. Use "📓" or "#StudySky" to include your post in the feed.
Tracking "bioimaging", "microscopy", "bioimage analysis" https://track.goodfeeds.co/
A feed dedicated to artists of all mediums to seek constructive criticism. Use #critpls to show up in this feed!
Searching Entire Network for (python\b|sql|duckdb) … and maybe one day the term “pandas” will find posts about a Python library instead of Furries…
by @Eddie
This feed is for everything related to vintage sewing machines. Captures any #vintagesewing, #vintagesewingmachine post. Posts tagged with #vsm appear after review.
by @gausscone
Catch-all for several of the first-party Paradox games; digestibility pending theoretical review. On the map: Hearts of Iron, Europa Universalis, Crusader Kings, Stellaris, Imperator: Rome, Victoria (no. req.)
Inputs the whole BSky network for the last 24 hours; then filters for links to Bandcamp albums where the post has three or more likes and reposts; then sorts in ascending order of repost count. No genre, artist or critic filters.
a collection of my "now reading" posts and storygraph review posts. this is all mostly superfulous to just following my storygraph directly (KatherineTea), but it's easier to do it all in-app sometimes. that, and it's a better collection of my various captions and the ensuing replies.
a collection of my "now watching" posts and letterboxd review posts. this is all mostly superfulous to just following my letterboxd directly (KatherineTea), but it's easier to do it all in-app sometimes. that, and it's a better collection of my various captions and the ensuing replies.