74 feeds in this category
WIP collects all posts about miniature painting, warhammer or wargaming
Posts of general interest to acute care medicine (e.g., emergency medicine, internal medicine, and critical care). If you see an interesting post, reply with a post containing "#emimcc" and the origional post will be added to the feed.
The Food Studies community brings together scholars, interesting developments and publications in the fields of #foodstudies #foodsystems #foodhistory #foodjustice #agroecology #regenerative+ag #foodpolicy #foodpoverty #urbanfood #urbanagriculture #urbanag #foodsharing #foodconsumption #foodsafety
by @John Ross
Post tagged with "IDsky" or "IDSky." Anything of interest to infectious diseases docs, microbiologists, and epidemiologists
A feed for all your Nerdling needs. Hobby nonsense mostly Use #Nerdlings
by @Chloe Hill
Tracking all things #SciPol, #Science4Policy, and Science-Policy! Follow if you're interested in evidence-informed decision-making and integrating science into the policymaking process.
by @ベー
This feed lists the latest 7-days posts which contain "#shota" or "#ショタ" (in Japanese). I hope this will make it easier for shota-loving users to find accounts and posts that interest them. ** このフィードは、「#ショタ」または「#shota」というワードを含む、直近1週間のポストを表示します。 ショタ好きなユーザが、興味あるアカウントやポストを見つけやすくなることを願っています。
For the automotive community on Bluesky to share their passion and content. #bskycars //Made at BlueskyFeeds.com
Curated by Flipboard's state of the art topics recommendation system.
by @𓂀 𓆗Jay𓆗𓂀
A space where beloved characters and universes come to life in new and exciting ways thanks to the passion of fanfic authors on BlueSky. Whether you’re a long-time reader, or new to fandoms and fanfic, there’s a story waiting for you! Tags: fanfic, fanfiction, 🔖📖, 📖🔖, ao3, ffcorner, ffc
Just some things happening in or of interest to people in or from Connecticut. (Yes I am aware that the nutmeg nickname was not coined to be flattering to Connecticut people. We need to be flattered less.)
by @cold 🥶 mark
Feed for browsing/discussing fishkeeping, aquariums, what have you. Posts with body or alt text containing #fishkeeping, #fishtank, #aquarium, or certain hobby specific keywords will show.
use #atozinesfeed, #atozines, #atzfeed, #atozfeed (in your main post—not replies) to add your posts to this feed Zines in our SFW Zine list are automatically added to this feed. Using the hashtag is a great way for new zines and unofficial interest checks to gain visibility
A safe space where members can share their passion for plants, ask questions, and connect with other Black plant enthusiasts. Use tag: #BlackPlantSky | let's talk in our Discord server. Join ⬇️ https://discord.gg/cJ5PSSvF
Welcome to the official Black Yoga Community! This is a safe space for Black folks to celebrate love for or interest in Yoga! Connect w/ others. Use the hashtags: #blackyogasky #addtoblackyogasky // Made at BlueskyFeeds.com