455 feeds in this category - Page 29
by @Marii
A feed dedicated to Computer Science and related fields, such as Machine Learning, Data Science, Numerics, etc. Contribute to the feed by including #CompSky or #ComputerSkyence in your post. BlueskyFeedCreator.com
Tracking "🎩🗃️👒 #annelister #annwalker #marianalawton #sibbellamaclean #listerresearch #annelisterresearch #annelistercodebreaker" https://track.goodfeeds.co/
by @Colatechi
I'm trying to re-learn how to do art, you'll find all of those attempts here.
This is for all the information about us, to learn who we are as a system!
Really anything I feel like drawing, since I'm learning!
Learn how to live sustainably with practical tips for a zero waste lifestyle that benefits both you and the planet.
Explore the vibrant world of stamp collecting and learn the secrets of this timeless hobby.
Explore how social activism is shaping the world today and learn how to get involved in meaningful causes that drive change.
by @Joyce Mahon
arxiv + school, chatgpt, generative ai., educa, student, assess, pedag, primary, educa, genai, secondary